Writing portfolio


Study: Austin Loses One-third of its Creative Sector Jobs to the Pandemic

Austin's Most Maligned Public Artwork is Deaccessioned by the City

Features & Interviews

Phoebe Lickwar’s Edible Cities: What would our cities look like if agriculture was systematically integrated into the urban fabric?

How to Design Responsively for the Future? Perhaps we need less design, says the editor of The Architect’s Newspaper

Old vs. Mod: Scale, not architectural style, is the culprit as new houses grow in Austin’s older neighborhoods

East Shifts: As gentrification continues to change East Austin, so shifts its largest arts event

Heather Parrish Questions Waller Creek: Sourcing historic photographs of an Austin waterway sometimes forgotten for the racial segregation it represents

The World’s First Social Network? Actually, it was postcards


Making an Effort to See: W. Tucker at Big Medium. In a body of work both elemental and singular, a conscious effort to pay attention

Wendy Red Star’s Brilliant Celebration of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation. An irreverent, uncompromising, and joyful re-writing of history

Editing portfolio

Vague Terrain and Temporary Tigers: The Pandemic Place Questionnaire with architect Murray Legge

City Design Commission Approves Schematic Design for Next Phase of Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center

Ten Eyck Landscape Architects transform Kingsbury Commons in Pease Park

Organizational writing

Impact stories

The Library Foundation, Austin

Press releases

Hank Willis Thomas Sculpture Unveiled at Austin Public Library

“Mr. Texas” by Pulitzer Prize-winning Austin author Lawrence Wright selected for Mayor’s Book Club

Social media

The Library Foundation, Austin